LISER was honoured to welcome the 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics, Prof. Guido Imbens!
Prof. Imbens was visiting LISER in the frame of a great conference on "Machine Learning in program evaluation, high-dimensionality and visualization techniques" whose international standing was absolutely exceptional and remarkable. The conference took place in Belval, on June 20/21, 2023.
His lecture in Luxembourg entitled "Machine Learning Methods and Causal Inference: Design and Analysis of Experiments" explains how we can better apply impact evaluation techniques in the new era of Big Data, machine-learning and AI.
LISER was particularly honoured that Minister Claude Meisch accepted to open the conference. We would like to express our warmest gratitude for his superb speech, which highlighted the importance of research for Luxembourg and the quality of LISER's research work to serve society and prepare the future of our country.
Two wonderfully inspiring and enriching days for our entire research community and public decision-makers. I wish Nobel Laureate Guido Imbens a safe journey back to Stanford California and thank him from the heart for his visit @ LISER, these two memorable days and his infinite generosity in sharing his knowledge and experience.
Prof. Aline Muller, CEO of LISER