
News | 19 Dec 16
"Towards a European Pillar of Effective Social Rights. Submission to the European Commission"
The European Social Policy Network (ESPN), a 35-country research network managed by LISER, has prepared a substantial contribution to the debate on the EU Social Pillar initiative.
News | 16 Dec 16
A focus on child deprivation research in the EU conducted at LISER
LISER's analysis, by Senior Researcher GUIO, supports the “Viva for Life” fund-raising campaign.
News | 13 Dec 16
Conference: Inequality and Fairness of Political Reforms: LISER presents paper ‘Preferences for redistribution and exposure to tax-benefit schemes in Europe’
LISER presents paper ‘Preferences for redistribution and exposure to tax-benefit schemes in Europe’.
News | 08 Dec 16
12th Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory: 9-12 January: Space, Mobility and Opportunities
The Winter School provides junior and senior researchers with the opportunity to discuss issues concerning spatial inequalities and regional distributions, quality of life, mobility, equality of opportunities and preferences for redistribution, political economy and redistribution.
News | 08 Dec 16
Researchers’ Days : Plus de 1500 personnes sont passées sur nos 3 ateliers
Les sciences sociales ont attiré petits et grands durant ces deux journées dédiées à la Science.
News | 08 Dec 16
Séminaire sur le transfrontalier et le développement des territoires
LISER participe à une table ronde en tant qu’expert « Quels modèles de développement pour les régions transfrontalières ? »
News | 30 Nov 16
Lancement d’une enquête de mobilité dans les entreprises de la région Sud
L’enquête a pour objectif d’améliorer l’accessibilité des zones d’activité et les conditions de mobilité des salariés et des clients pour favoriser la compétitivité des entreprises.
News | 25 Nov 16
LISER awarded INTER research proposal by FWO and FNR
The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) awarded LISER researcher Dr Sabine Dörry and Prof Dr Ben Derudder an INTER research proposal.
News | 23 Nov 16
Autumn School @ LISER: Supporting aspiring researchers & PhD Students: Boosting evidence-based European policies for Inclusive Growth
Important empirical questions in labour economics, public finance, industrial organisation, and other areas of social sciences depend on causal effects of public policies. In the last decades, many research studies have been developed on the econometric and statistical analysis of such causal effects
News | 21 Nov 16
Boosting job satisfaction: How to improve attitudes of employees
Luxembourg study exposes that high employee exposure to Human Resources Management (HRM) is not sufficient; participation is the key
News | 04 Nov 16
Luxembourg Innovation: LISER and Startup Beta Tracker SA sign a Public-Private Partnership in residential real estate sector
The innovative scientific model developed by LISER will evaluate risks of mortgage loans with the aim to protect both banks and consumers
News | 03 Nov 16
World Bank’s Commission on Global Poverty: LISER a core group member

Eric MARLIER, International Scientific Coordinator at LISER, had the great pleasure of being a core group member of the Commission on Global Poverty

News | 27 Oct 16
Signature d’une convention de collaboration pour la formation des doctorants entre l’Université du Luxembourg et quatre institutions de recherche

Le LISER signe une convention de collaboration pour la formation doctorale conjointe

News | 26 Oct 16
Politics Meets Research: LISER Researchers Participate in ‘Pairing Scheme’

Researchers hope to expand the social impact of their scientific work while politicians aim to better inform decision-making

News | 25 Oct 16
Promouvoir une vie active durable: Deux experts du LISER invités à la Table ronde organisée par l’ITM (Inspection du Travail et des Mines Agence Luxembourg)

L’ITM a organisé une table ronde sur le thème "Etre bien sur les lieux de travail quel que soit l’âge" réunissant des experts luxembourgeois et des pays voisins afin de partager les expériences, pratiques et solutions

News | 21 Oct 16
LISER awarded three CORE research proposals
Projects were chosen based on their innovative and high scientific quality.
News | 04 Oct 16
Participation à la Journée Mondiale du cœur: Stand tenu ce jeudi 29 septembre à l’Hôpital du Kirchberg

Les chercheurs de l’équipe 'Santé' du LISER ont participé à la  à la journée mondiale du cœur pour assurer la vulgarisation des résultats de leurs travaux au grand public.

News | 04 Oct 16
Study Examines Factors Affecting Openness in Environmental Innovation: Investing in Time

The Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015 established Environmental Innovation (EI) as a key factor to fighting pollution and waste.

News | 03 Oct 16
Welcome to LISER! Five Visiting Scholars drop in this October

This Visiting Scholars Programme provides the opportunity for local researchers to collaborate in joint research projects with researchers from other Institutions.

News | 30 Sep 16
Lancement d'une enquête web
Afin d’améliorer la qualité de ses services, l’ADEM a commandité pour la 1ère fois une enquête de satisfaction auprès des employeurs. Les employeurs pourront exprimer leur degré de satisfaction sur leur utilisation des services de l’ADEM. Cette enquête est menée par le LISER et s’inscrit dans le cadre du partenariat pour l’emploi conclu entre l’UEL et l’ADEM.
News | 08 Sep 16
LISER participates in the 10th Annual ‘Sudstroum Escher Kulturlaf’

Team LISER, motivated by fantastic weather and a taste for a challenge, participated in the 10th Annual 'Sudstroum Escher Kulturlaf' this Saturday September 3rd, 2016.

News | 22 Jul 16
Nomination de Madame le Professeur Aline MULLER comme Directrice Générale du LISER

Aline MULLER, Docteur en économie financière de l'Université de Maastricht et Professeur à HEC Université de Liège, entrera en fonction le 1er septembre 2016.

News | 14 Jul 16
Christophe Sohn is off on his scientific leave to the University of California San Diego!

After four years acting as Head of the Department Urban Development and Mobility, Christophe Sohn will leave on August 1st, 2016 to the Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California San Diego as a visiting scholar.

News | 22 Jun 16
Researchers' days 2016: 3 ateliers présentés par le LISER

Le LISER présentera 3 ateliers à pour l'édition 2016 des Researchers' days. Le but de l'événement est de favoriser l'échange entre les chercheurs et le public en offrant aux chercheurs la possibilité de montrer et d’expliquer leur métier par le biais d’une application interactive et ludique.

News | 14 Jun 16
Digital education: the MathemaTIC project: LISER as a research collaborator in the project

LISER contributes since 2015 to the evaluation and research components of MathemaTIC via the participation of Dr. Catalina Lomos in the core evaluation team. The main evaluation question that the project aims to answer is focused on the process of integrating MathemaTIC in the teaching and learning practice and on its impacts on specific outcomes.

News | 31 May 16
Prof. R. Gilmore Pontius Jr at LISER for two weeks

Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr is professor and associate director of the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University in the United States. In the frame of its stay at LISER, he is working on land change science.

News | 15 Apr 16
La 14ème vague de l’Enquête EU-SILC est lancée: European Union - Statistics on Income and Living Conditions

Depuis le 15 mars l’enquête EU-SILC 2016 (European Union - Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) a été lancée au Luxembourg par notre commanditaire le STATEC.

News | 15 Apr 16
Luxembourg in the 29th position among 41 countries: Innocenti Report Card 13: Fairness for Children

A league table of inequality in child well-being in rich countries has been launched in Luxembourg on April 13th  during a press conference organized by the Luxemburgish National Committee for UNICEF.

News | 11 Apr 16
Awarded for the best international conference paper

During the Regional Studies Association (RSA) conference that took place in Graz (Austria) from April 3rd to 6th, Christophe Sohn and Julien Licheron (who did not attend to the conference) received the award for best international conference paper titled:

News | 23 Mar 16
Des chercheurs à l’école: Présenter son métier aux lycéens de notre pays

A l'occasion de la 6ème opération du FNR "Chercheurs à l'école", deux chercheurs du LISER se sont rendus dans quatre écoles du Grand-Duché afin de présenter aux jeunes de 15 à 18 ans diverses facettes de la recherche scientifique en sciences sociales.

News | 18 Mar 16
Teachers’ retirement decision: A study presented by Dr Denis Fougère

The study proposes a structural evaluation of the 2003 French pension reform on retirement decisions of high-school teachers.

News | 16 Mar 16
Motivation au travail & volonté de quitter son entreprise par les salariés au Luxembourg

De nos jours, les entreprises font face à la mobilité des travailleurs les plus productifs et à d’importants coûts inhérents à la rotation de la main-d’œuvre.

News | 17 Feb 16
A three-week stay for Prof. J. Silber

LISER has been delighted to host during the month of February Jacques Silber, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the Bar-Ilan University (Israel) and Senior Research Fellow at LISER in the framework of its visiting researchers programme.

News | 04 Feb 16
Sentiment de vulnérabilité des salariés sur le marché du travail Luxembourgeois: Sentiment de vulnérabilité et pratiques managériales

Si de nombreuses études se sont intéressées à identifier les groupes vulnérables sur le marché du travail, moins nombreuses sont celles qui se sont intéressées au sentiment de vulnérabilité des salariés.

News | 29 Jan 16
The Young and the Elderly at risk: Individual outcomes and contemporary policy challenges in European societies

The young and the elderly are among the most vulnerable groups in contemporary societies, especially in times of economic slowdown. The current retrenchment of the welfare states is buffering the growing demographic and economic pressures ...

News | 27 Jan 16
Does the minimum wage close the gender pay gap?

National minimum wage policies can partially (and occasionally completely) eliminate gender pay gaps amongst the lowest paid.

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