

Information Systems

Thème : Work

Sélectionner ci-dessous la question relative au thème "Work" à laquelle vous souhaitez connaître le résultat (les numéros renvoient aux numéros de question indiqués dans le questionnaire) :

Q01 Please say, for each of the following, how important it is in your life

Q13 Here are some aspects of a job that people says are important. Please look at them and tell we which ones you personally think are important in a job?

Q14 Are you yourself employed or not?

Q17 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Q18 Imagine two secretaries, of the same age, doing practically the same job. One finds out that the other earns £ 30 (Countries other than UK: Please use own currency) a week more than she does. The better paid secretary, however, is quicker, more efficient and more reliable at her job. In your opinionis it fair or not fair that one secretary is paid more than the other ?

Q19 People have different ideas about following instruction at work Some say that one schould follow instructions of one's superiors even when one does not fully agree with them. Others say that one should follow one's superior's instructions only when one is convinced that they are right. Which of these two opinions do you agree with?

Q20 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Q46 People talk about the changing roles of men and women today. For each of the following statements I read out, can you tell me how much you agree with each.