Continued methodological challenges and opportunities for the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) data in human health research
with Marta Jankowska (Beckman Research Institute, USA)
Hybrid event
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette / Belval
Salle de conférence (1st floor)
11:00 am
12:30 am
For inquiries:


The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) data in human health studies continues to grow with new technological advances and research areas emerging. The study of human mobility and health brings within it several methodological challenges and considerations. This talk will consist of three parts to explore different facets of these challenges. In the first I will present result from a systematic review of GPS methods reporting in published literature, and present work on development of reporting standards for future publications utilizing GPS data. In the second I will share preliminary results and methodological challenges in applying time-weighted spatial averaging approaches to GPS data on a pooled sample of over 1000 individuals with a focus on physical activity and cardiovascular health outcomes. In the third, I will present plans for development of a new R package for exposure assessment utilizing GPS data, focusing on time-weighted approaches.


Marta Jankowska is an Associate Professor at the Department of Population Sciences at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, CA. Marta does research in geoinformatics (GIS), health, big data analytics, mobility (spatio-temporal analysis), epidemiology systems science, health disparities and inequity, cancer, and cardiometabolic outcomes.

Supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (RESCOM/2021/16537536)

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