Fanny Robert

Fanny Robert


  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research summary

Fanny Robert began working at LISER (formerly CEPS/INSTEAD) in 2006. She started her career as a research analyst and is currently an associate researcher.

She holds a Maîtrise in Business law at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and a DEA in Comparative law at the University of Lorraine. She earned her PhD in Law in 2022 from the University of Jena.

She brings her expertise in labour law in a number of highly policy relevant projects at European level and at national level (studies for ministries which provide decision support).

Her main research interests are comparative labour law and Luxembourg labour law .

Education/Academic qualification

Law, PhD, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Award Date: 8 Nov 2022

External positions

Vacataire, Université de Lorraine

1 Sept 2015 → …

Associate researcher fellow, Université de Lorraine - Institut François Gény (EA 7301)

20 Jun 2014 → …

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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