Doctoral lecture series on cross-border labour mobility

17 Oct 19 | lecture n°2

Cross-border mobility of students

University of Luxembourg

Skill-biased technological changes tend to lead to more complex tasks and jobs in most industries. They generate skill shortages in some sectors or occupations, which can be intensified by the fierce international competition to attract foreign talent. Attracting foreign students, educating them, and retaining them so they can work in the domestic labour market is a relevant option. An investigation of the Campus France policy initiated in 2007 shows that making applications to universities easier for foreign students increases the number of applications and allows universities to select the best ones.

Crossing Borders at a Glance: Interview of Prof. Michel Beine


About the doctoral lecture series on cross-border labour mobility

Migration is part of humanity’s DNA. It has always been a normal and inevitable response to the economic, social, political, security and environmental challenges that have punctuated human history. Yet, workers’ mobility in general and international migration in particular are issues that divide public opinion in every country in the world.

This PhD course is jointly organized by LISER and CREA (University of Luxembourg) and is part of the MINLAB doctoral program on migration, labor and inequality funded by the FNR (PRIDE program). It covers topical issues related to the determinants of international migration, to its implications for sending and receiving countries, and to its effect on the world distribution of income.

It is organized as a set of monthly doctoral lectures given by renowned economists. Each speaker will provide a state-of-the-art analysis of existing methodologies and academic findings in his field of expertise. Upon completion of this course, student will have learnt about the cutting-edge developments in the migration literature and will be asked to write an essay on one of the topics covered.

» Discover all the lectures