The Institute


Research Ethics Committee

The LISER Research Ethics Committee (REC) has been in existence since the autumn 2019. Its main purpose is to conduct ethical reviews of project proposals and (where necessary) of ongoing projects by LISER staff. Upon request, REC also provides consultative advice on ethical matters and serves as interlocutor for staff dealing with ethically sensitive projects.

REC members are nominated for a maximum period of 6 years by the CEO of LISER.

REC reports to the CEO, but operates as an independent body.

The Research Ethics Committee is composed of eight voting members (3 external and 5 internal), and has a permanent secretariat.

Current members (as per September 2024).

  • External members:
    • Prof. Boris Traue, chair (Professor of Social Work and Social Pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, University of Luxemburg)
    • Dr Lea Sgier, (Senior researcher, Senior Lecturer Université de Genève)
    • Prof. Alain Loute (Professor of Clinical Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Université Catholique de Louvain)
  • Internal members:
  • Permanent consultative invitee (non voting member)
    • N., Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • Secretariat: