
European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg
09 January 2018 - 13:00

Inequality and Luxembourg

Lecture series : Inequality and… ?

LISER together with many partners in Luxembourg co-organizes the following lecture.

This lecture analyzes inequality in one of the wealthiest countries worldwide. Traditionally, Luxembourg has been a relatively equal society but new economic developments are changing this. What does the new digital economy mean in this respect? Is there polarization in the labour market? Is growing inequality a result of prices in the housing market? What active public policies could be employed to reduce inequalities?


Nicolas Schmit (Minister of Labor, Government of Luxembourg)


The lecture is free and requires registration at


European Investment Bank (EIB)
98-100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg

A shuttle bus will pick you up at 11:50 from Belval Campus - 11 Porte des Sciences to EIB and return (after the conference - 14:15)
