
06 Sep 24 | News

Launch of the OPC survey on attitudes around climate change and action

What does the Luxembourg population think about how the country can address climate change?

The Luxembourg Climate Policy Observatory (Observatoire de la politique climatique, OPC) has selected LISER to conduct a survey of the Luxembourg population’s perceptions on climate change and their preferences on possible avenues for climate action. On September 6, about 35,000 randomly selected Luxembourg residents from age 15 and up are invited to participate in the online survey that takes about 15 minutes. The deadline to complete the survey is October 27th. 

The OPC is a scientific council composed of seven members that was established in 2021. Its mission includes advising the government on climate policy. Since Luxembourg has set a target for reducing national greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, as outlined in the National Energy and Climate Plan, the target will require emission reductions across all sectors, but the target can nonetheless be achieved in different ways. What kind of policies achieve the greatest support amongst the population?

The coming years will be decisive in limiting climate change and implementing the energy and ecological transition in Luxembourg. Participation in the survey helps the OPC assess current attitudes around climate change and action, which in turn can inform climate action that is both effective and reflects the preferences of the population.

Survey website: