
15 Apr 16 | News

Luxembourg in the 29th position among 41 countries

Innocenti Report Card 13: Fairness for Children

A league table of inequality in child well-being in rich countries has been launched in Luxembourg on April 13th  during a press conference organized by the Luxemburgish National Committee for UNICEF.

A league table of inequality in child well-being in rich countries (41 countries from the UE and the OECD) has been launched in Luxembourg on April 13th during a press conference organized by the Luxemburgish National Committee for UNICEF.

LISER represented by Anne-Catherine Guio, Eric Marlier and Denisa Sologon was involved in the Advisory Board. Anne-Catherine Guio has presented the main results for Luxembourg during the press conference. At the request of the Belgian National Committee for UNICEF, she has also presented the Belgian results in Brussels during another press conference and a round table the day after.

The 13th Innocenti Report Card highlights the impact of inequality with a focus on how children in the bottom 10 per cent compare to their peers in the middle. League Tables rank 41 high income countries in inequality of income, education, health and life-satisfaction.

In the last three fields, Luxembourg is among the most unequal countries for children:

  • Education (33rd position)
  • Health (29th position)
  • Life-satisfaction (32nd position)

Innocenti report Card 13
Fairness for Children
A league table of inequality in child well-being in rich countries

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