Housing young people in the affordability-crisis context: a European view on family support, market supply and policy responses

with LISER & the ENHR WG Housing and Young People

LISER and the ENHR WG Housing and Young people are pleased to organise a one-day workshop titled “Housing young people in the affordability-crisis context: a European view on family support, market supply and policy responses”. The workshop will take place on the 30th of January 2025 in Belval at Luxembourg Learning Centre – Salle Ellipse - 7 Ënnert den Héichiewen 4361 Esch/Alzette. The workshop aims to:

  • build a research agenda on young people's housing needs and the related responses from the supply and policy sides
  • draw political attention to the situation of young people in housing markets (especially in Luxembourg, where this topic is underresearched)
  • strengthen the academic community interested in young people’s housing issues.



08:30-09:00: Welcome

09:00-09:10: Introduction (Constance Uyttebrouck, LISER, Luxembourg)

09:10-09:30: The situation of young people in the Luxembourg housing market (Magdalena Gorczynska-Angiulli, LISER, Luxembourg)

09:30-10:30: Keynote speech ‘New renting: housing young people in the post homeownership era’ (Richard Ronald, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

10:30-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:30: Thematic session 1: Family support and intergenerational inequality

  • Intergenerational Financial Transfers in a Super-Homeownership Housing Regime: Understanding Czech Young Adults in the Housing Affordability Crisis (Petr Kubala, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, the Czech Republic)
  • Intergenerational support and the differentiated housing pathways of international students in a midsized Dutch city (Oana Druta, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
  • Housing arrangements of university students in Milan: family support, affordability and satisfaction (Igor Costarelli, University Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

12:30-13:30: Lunch break

13:30-15:00: Thematic session 2: Market responses to young people’s issues

  • Rooming flats: How financialisation-led densification is spurring inner-city studentification in Lodz, Poland (Jakub Zasina, University of Lodz, Poland)
  • Hyper-commodified housing products as flexible “solutions” fostering worker productivity (Constance Uyttebrouck, LISER, Luxembourg)
  • Attracting young adults in a “new” residential market: the case of coliving in Brussels (Charlotte Casier, Free University of Brussels, Belgium)

15:00-15:30: Coffee break

15:15-15:30: Introduction of the second part of the afternoon by Frédéric Docquier (Deputy Director, LISER)

15:30-15:45: Opening of the roundtable by Claude Meisch, the Luxembourg Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning and Minister of National Education, Childhood and Youth

15:45-17:00: Roundtable on “policy responses to young people’s needs and alternatives to the market” (with, so far confirmed, Prof. Lindsay Flynn (University of Luxembourg), Jean-Michel Campanella (Mieterschutz), Gilles Hempel (FAL), Mehdi Mribah (Youth Work Synergy), Luc Biever (Ministry of Housing), Nathalie Schirtz (Ministry of Education)

This on-site event can be (passively) attended online using a webex link (that will be provided in due time).



LISER - Luxembourg Institute for Socio-Economic Research

ENHR - European Network for Housing Research

The working group Housing and Young People was created in 2022 in the framework of the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), which counts over 25 working groups in total. Igor Costarelli, Oana Druta and Constance Uyttebrouck are the three coordinators of the group, which ran parallel sessions at the last three ENHR conferences (with 20 papers presented at the 2024 conference in Delft). The WG Housing and Young People is interested in young adults’ housing conditions and issues of access to housing and youth homelessness as well as intergenerational inequalities and emerging housing forms catering to young adults, among other research themes related to young peoples’ housing pathways.