
21 Dec 18 | News

LISER and IMS present research on the diversity in Luxembourg workplace

82% of signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg address work-life balance

IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability - in collaboration with LISER, presented on Tuesday December 18th the results of the third barometer "Diversité & Entreprise Lëtsebuerg", the result of the analysis of the questionnaires of 138 signatory organisations that fulfilled this commitment. An edition that compares the differences between the signatories committed before 2015 and those who signed thereafter and offer an inventory of the management of diversity within companies in Luxembourg.

In the presence of Laure Amoyel, head of the Integration and Diversity Division of the Office luxembourgeois de l’accueil et de l’intégration  (OLAI) and LISER Researcher Nicolas Poussing, IMS unveiled the conclusions of the survey. Charter signatories to better understand the status of their diversity practices. One of the trends is quickly to deal with the topic of employee well-being, especially with respect to work-life balance: 82% of them prioritise this topic. In this context, 92% of the signatory organisations have implemented a system of flexible hours, while 89% have a system of part-time, parental leave, leave without pay and absence of meetings after 18h. Telework is also needed, progressively since 57% of the signatories have implemented it.

Download the barometer “Diversité & Entreprise Lëtzebuerg 2018” (French)

Diversity, a benefit for organisations

For Laure Amoyel, this new barometer confirms, in a tangible and measurable way, that the diversity of talents in business is clearly beneficial, both internally and externally. 65% of all signatories say they see an improvement in their image and reputation and 63% of "old" signatories (signature before 2015) go even further, observing the creation of opportunities in new markets (Figure 21bis, page 33 of the barometer). Because diversity is becoming more and more a criterion in many tenders. The voluntary approach becomes a differentiating element and increases the competitiveness of organisations.

At the press conference, Catia Fernandes, coordinator of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, pointed out that between 2014 and 2018, the signatories are communicating more about their commitment to diversity internally - there is a real desire to raise the awareness of all actors regardless of their hierarchical position - but also externally, which suggests the importance of managing diversity in the reputation of the company.

Extract from the Communiqué by IMS Luxembourg

About Nicolas Poussing: researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) since 2000. Holder of a doctorate in economics and an ‘HNR’ ("Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches")  authorising him to steer research projects; Mr. Poussing focuses his research on topics such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and information and communication technologies. On the basis of a multidisciplinary approach (Economics, Management Sciences) and econometric exploitation of survey data, Nicolas Poussing has published numerous research articles on the behaviour of individuals and the strategies of companies in the context of society of knowledge.