
28-29 November 2023 - Maison des Sciences Humaines

Policies to Fight Inequality: Housing Policy and Wealth Inequality

We are pleased to announce that the Cross-national Data Center LIS and LISER convene the fourth international scientific workshop in the realm of the (LIS)2ER initiative. This endeavour of institutional collaboration between two main actors in Luxembourg’s research infrastructure is facilitated by the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher Education and Research. It was launched in November 2019 in memory of the late Tony Atkinson who has had a history of collaboration with both institutions. The initiative’s aim is to contribute to our knowledge of “What Works to Fight Inequality”. This year’s workshop is organised in collaboration with the PROPEL (PROactive Policymaking for Equal Lives) project, which studies the causes and consequences of housing inequality, and is funded by the FNR (grant number 14345912).

This year’s workshop tackles the topic “Housing Policy and Wealth Inequality”. The study of housing and wealth inequality is crucial and highly relevant in today's societies. Housing serves as a fundamental human need and is closely linked to households’ quality of life. Inequalities in access to safe, affordable housing can perpetuate cycles of poverty and limit opportunities for social and economic mobility. Importantly, housing accounts for the largest share in households’ asset portfolios and thus serves as a primary means of wealth accumulation over the life-cycle and across generations. Housing can be considered to be the `asset of the middle class’. In most developed countries, at least two-thirds of households own their primary residence, although this is mostly financed by mortgages. A climate of rising house prices since the 1980s, combined with more recent inflationary pressures, is threatening the middle-class vision of home ownership for all, which can lead to social unrest and political instability. It is therefore not surprising that housing is once again at the centre of political agendas.

Against this backdrop, the 2023 (LIS)2ER workshop aims to discuss research that enables an understanding of the root causes and consequences of inequalities in housing and wealth. The workshop provides a forum for the discussion of novel research and findings on these issues, and an opportunity for scholars to meet and exchange ideas.


Tuesday 28-Nov

12:30 13:20 lunch
13:20 13:30 Welcome

Session 1: Housing and wealth inequality
13:30 14:10 Nora Waikus: Housing inequality and status competition across and within countries
14:10 15:00 Rolf Aaberge: The impact of housing on wealth inequality
15:00 15:40 Louis Chauvel: Rewealthization as a trend of increasing inequality and distortion within income groups and occupational classes: The case of home ownership in a comparative perspective (2000-2020)

Session 2: Housing, poverty and inequality in a comparative perspective
16:00 16:40 Rod Hick: Housing and poverty in Europe
16:40 17:20 Guillaume Bérard: Housing Policy Impacts on Poverty and Inequality in Europe

Session 3: Affordability and generation rent
17:40 18:20 Lindsay Flynn: Housing Wealth and Young People
18:20 19:00 Richard Waldron: Precarious Housing and the Private Rental Sector: The Case of Ireland

Wednesday 29-Nov

Session 4: Housing markets (and the pandemic)
09:15 09:55 Carla Krolage: Who Bears the Burden of Real Estate Transfer Taxes? Evidence from the German Housing Market
09:55 10:35 Sofie Waltl: Disentangling the Effects of Polycrisis and Policy Changes Shaking the Austrian Housing Market: Pandemic, Tightened Bank Lending Criteria and Inflation
10:35 11:15 Christos Koulovatianos: A Heterogeneous-Agent Model of Household Mortgages in Luxembourg: Responses to the Covid-19 Shock

11:45 13:00 Policy roundtable with
• Guy Entringer, Director, Société Nationale des Habitations à Bon Marché (SNHBM)
• Manou Flammang, Chargée de mission, FEDAS Luxembourg
• Huyen Tran, Economist, European Investment Bank
• Jacques Vandivinit, Director, Fonds du Logement

13:00 13:15 Wrap-up
13:00            Lunch and farewell

Practical information

  • The workshop will take place from Tuesday November 28 (mid-day) through Wednesday  November 29 (early afternoon)
  • It will consist of 9 invited academic presentations
  • A connected policy roundtable will take place on Wednesday at 11.45 AM.
  • In the LISER conference room, first floor, Maison des Sciences Humaines, Esch-sur-Alzette

Organising Committee

Teresa Munzi (LIS) - Eugenio Peluso (LISER) - Petra Sauer (LIS, LISER) - Philippe Van Kerm (LISER, University of Luxembourg) – Lindsay Flynn (University of Luxembourg)