
20 Jan 15 | News

Vehicles and Communication

Dr Pigné Yoann is assistant professor at the University of Le Havre, France. He is interested in the modelling and simulation of interaction networks, and especially focuses on human and mobile patterns. His work belongs to various fields of research

Dr Pigné Yoann is assistant professor at the University of Le Havre, France. He is interested in the modelling and simulation of interaction networks, and especially focuses on human and mobile patterns. His work belongs to various fields of research from Complex Networks, Dynamic Graphs, to Complex Systems.

Dr. Pigné presented a research project titled « Urban Traffic Simulation with Communicating Vehicles » for which he collaborates with our unit Mobility.

He presented Technologies and protocols around inter-vehicle or infrastructure-to-vehicle communication (commonly denominated VANET, Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks) that have rapidly evolved in the recent years. He showed various fields of application that are also interested in this evolution, such as road safety, traffic management, or environmental concerns. In order to validate new models and researches, traffic and networking simulation platforms are widely used in combination with mobility models.

More information:

Download the presentation “Urban Traffic Simulation with Communicating Vehicles

Publications linked to this thematic:

Y. Pigné, G. Danoy, and P. Bouvry, “A vehicular mobility model based on real traffic counting data” in Proceedings of the Third international conference on Communication technologies for vehicles, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 131–142.

Y. Pigné, G. Danoy, and P. Bouvry, “A Platform for Realistic Online Vehicular Network Management” in IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services, 2010, pp. 615–619.